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Showing posts from 2010

Options at the Crossroads

Options at the Crossroads Note: This feature length story by Chris McMahon originally appeared in the February 2010 issue of SFO Magazine. Link to original @ SFO Magazine As U.S. regulators come to grips with the public perception that they have been asleep at the wheel while financial markets careened into chaos and lawlessness, there is legitimate concern that regulated markets, which have performed remarkably well, could be become victim to oversteering. Public outrage is growing about seemingly rampant insider trading rings, enormous compensation packages for firms that have received bailouts and a string of hedge fund frauds and Ponzi schemes. Those issues, in conjunction with a new presidential administration and recently appointed heads at the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission have prompted a thorough reconsideration of what kind of markets Americans want and the consumer protections and regulation they need.